Vi bjuder alla som vill stödja kampen mot pankreas­cancer och skapa World Pancreatic Cancer Day i Lund arrangeras av Immunovia i samarbete 


World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2020 – Thursday, November 19, 2020. Since the creation of World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition (WPCC) and World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2014, Immunovia has been joining all the efforts to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer around the globe. Immunovia is proud to have sponsored several Pancreatic Cancer Awareness activities and walks over the years – in Sweden, UK, Spain, Germany and throughout the U.S. – to support the engagement of the patient organizations.

{{ chapter.num }}. {{ }}  Mats Grahn, vd för diagnosbolaget Immunovia i Lund, tillsammans med Cancer i bukspottkörteln, eller pankreascancer, är en fruktad  Immunovia is currently developing a blood test called IMMray™ PanCan-d based on the IMMray™ platform for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, with a focus on early stages (stage I and II). IMMray™ PanCan-d can be performed, using a regular blood sample, on risk groups within familiar pancreatic cancer, new onset diabetes type II patients over 50 years and selected patients with vague symptoms profiles in combination with other risk factors. Current status Pancreatic cancer is the third deadliest form of cancer, causing more loss of lives than for example breast cancer, prostate cancer and leucemia. The survival rate over 5 years from diagnosis is only about 5–8 %. 95% never make it. Pancreatic cancer is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer” because of the late onset of symptoms that make it difficult to detect the disease in time for treatment. Immunovia reports improved test performance of IMMray [TM] PanCan-d in detecting early stage pancreatic cancer in high risk symptomatic patients.

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Immunovia is currently developing a blood test called IMMray™ PanCan-d based on the IMMray™ platform for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, with a focus on early stages (stage I and II). IMMray™ PanCan-d can be performed, using a regular blood sample, on risk groups within familiar pancreatic cancer, new onset diabetes type II patients over 50 years and selected patients with vague symptoms profiles in The stages of pancreatic cancer - Immunovia The stages of pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer has four stages that describe the progression of the disease. In the early stages (I and II) the tumor is still resectable by surgical procedure, because the disease has not spread or has only spread into nearby tissue. Another very successful way to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer are the Walks events organized by pancreatic cancer patient advocacy groups throughout US, Japan, UK. Immunovia has sponsored several Pancreatic Cancer Awareness activities and walks over the years – in Sweden, UK, Spain, Germany and throughout the U.S. – to support the engagement of the patient organizations. Together we aim to raise awareness about this deadly cancer.

Immunovia’s new video, highlighting the importance of early detection in pancreatic cancer, will air today in the heart of Times Square in New York City. The campaign will run approximately three times an hour through September 30, 2019 on the “Bowtie Screen” located at the corner of 1500 Broadway and 43rd Ave, on a screen 29 feet high by 56 feet wide. Immunovia’s shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

2021-03-30 · Stage I/II pancreatic cancer was detected with a specificity of 92% and a sensitivity of 80% in a clinical study. LUND, Sweden, March 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Immunovia today announced improved

Immunovia’s shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit

Immunovia pancreatic cancer

Immunovia has brought together the voices of survivors, their family members and friends, patient organizations and clinicians into a short iWalk movie covering the contributions from the registered iWalks for pancreatic cancer awareness. The Immunovia iWalk movie was released on World Pancreatic Cancer Day on November 19, 2020. SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS:

Immunovia pancreatic cancer

The study was designed to evaluate detection of early stage pancreatic cancer in high risk patients with non-specific but concerning symptoms. - Stage I/II pancreatic cancer was detected with a specificity of 92% and a sensitivity of 80% in a clinical study. LUND, Sweden, March 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Immunovia today announced improved 2021-03-30 2021-03-12 2015-10-04 Immunovia has brought together the voices of survivors, their family members and friends, patient organizations and clinicians into a short iWalk movie covering the contributions from the registered iWalks for pancreatic cancer awareness. The Immunovia iWalk movie was released on World Pancreatic Cancer Day on November 19, 2020. SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS: If validated, Immunovia's pancreatic cancer specific test, IMMray™ PanCan-d, could be the first blood-based test available for early and specific diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Immunovia reports improved test performance of IMMrayTM PanCan-d in detecting early stage pancreatic cancer in high risk symptomatic patients Immunovia AB Aktie [Valor: 24973967 / ISIN Immunovia continues to sponsor the ‘Striding for Survival’ virtual walk in 2020 coordinated by Pancreatic Cancer Action (PCA). All Immunovia employees are wearing their PCA t-shirts together with thousands of others around the UK to dedicate their activity to raising awareness of pancreatic cancer.

Immunovia pancreatic cancer

March 29, 2021. Immunovia reports positive results of the blinded clinical validation of IMMray [TM] PanCan-d blood test in USA. Archive. The stages of pancreatic cancer - Immunovia The stages of pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer has four stages that describe the progression of the disease. In the early stages (I and II) the tumor is still resectable by surgical procedure, because the disease has not spread or has only spread into nearby tissue. The study data demonstrate that Immunovia's test now detects pancreatic cancers (all stages) with 92% specificity and 81% sensitivity for this cohort, which is equivalent to results presented in Immunovia – Immunovia. Immunovia walk around the world to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer. July – November.
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Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer based on the IMMray™ platform.

Immunovia is proud to have sponsored several Pancreatic Cancer Awareness activities and walks over the years – in Sweden, UK, Spain, Germany and throughout the U.S. – to support the … Since the creation of World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition (WPCC) and World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2014, Immunovia has been joining all the efforts to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer around the globe. Immunovia is proud to have sponsored several Pancreatic Cancer Awareness activities and walks over the years – in Sweden, UK, Spain, Germany and throughout the U.S. – to support the engagement of … Immunovia reports improved test performance of IMMray [TM] PanCan-d in detecting early stage pancreatic cancer in high risk symptomatic patients. March 29, 2021. Immunovia reports positive results of the blinded clinical validation of IMMray [TM] PanCan-d blood test in USA. Archive.
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Immunovia AB was founded in 2007 by scientists from the Department of Specialistområden: Pancreatic cancer, Early diagnosis of cancer, Cancer therapy 

2021-03-30 Immunovias IMMray® PanCan-d blodbaserade test detekterar bukspottkörtelcancer i tidigt stadium med 98% specificitet och 85% känslighet enligt en stor, blindad klinisk valideringsstudie utförd i USA i … Due to Covid-19 and the increased need for physical distancing, we have refocused our activities digitally and we now launch a virtual walk campaign called, Immunovia Walk.